Human Rights and Anti-Harassment PolicyYork-Weston Tennis Club is committed to providing an environment which is free of harassment or abuse of any kind. To that end, the Executive Board has adopted the Ontario Human Rights and City of Toronto Code of Conduct.
YWTC will not tolerate harassment of our members, guests or employees/contractors. Any incident will result in an investigation, and if severity warrants, may result in expulsion from the York-Weston Tennis Club. As a member, it is your responsibility to understand this policy and conduct yourself accordingly. Incidents of harassment, violence, vandalism or threats of violence against fellow members, club employees/and or contractors, club property will be addressed as required by this Harassment Policy. POLICY STATEMENT Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, every person has a right to equal treatment in a City of Toronto facility. The City of Toronto adopted this Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy to ensure ethical and respectful service and employment practices that incorporate equitable treatment for all employees, residents and recipients of municipal services. The goal of the Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy is to create a climate of understanding and mutual respect where each person feels a part of the community and is able to contribute fully to the development and well-being of the City of Toronto. The City of Toronto will not tolerate, ignore, or condone any form of discrimination or harassment and is committed to promoting appropriate standards of conduct at all times. Likewise, YWTC, a permit user of a City of Toronto facility, has adopted this Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy. As such, all persons using our facility (courts & Clubhouse) are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of their fellow participants. Discrimination and harassment are serious forms of misconduct which may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the club. Any member of YWTC, including guests of members or individuals conducting business with YWTC, is expected to adhere to this policy, including refraining from harassment of any of its members, employees or contractors. If such harassment occurs, the YWTC board will take any steps available to ensure a harassment-free facility, including expulsion of the harasser from the club. Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to City services and facilities, without discrimination or harassment because of the following prohibited grounds and any combination of these grounds: race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family status, ancestry, citizenship, marital status, disability, place of origin, creed, age, political affiliation, colour, sex (including pregnancy, breast feeding and gender identity), level of literacy. DEFINITIONS Allegation: An allegation is an unproven assertion or statement based on a person’s perception. Complainant: The person alleging that discrimination or harassment occurred. There can be more than one complainant in a human rights complaint. Respondent: The person who is alleged to be responsible for the discrimination or harassment. There can be more than one respondent in a human rights complaint. Discrimination: Discrimination is any practice or behaviour, whether intentional or not, which has a negative impact on an individual or group because of personal characteristics or circumstances unrelated to the person’s abilities to enjoy our facility (e.g., disability, sex, race, sexual orientation). Discrimination may arise as a result of direct differential treatment or it may result from the unequal effect of treating individuals and groups. Either way, if the effect of the behaviour on the individual is to withhold or limit full, equal and meaningful access to enjoyment of the facility, it is discrimination. Harassment: Harassment means improper comment or conduct that a person knows or ought to know would be unwelcome, offensive, embarrassing or hurtful. It is a form of discrimination. Harassment may result from one incident or a series of incidents. Harassment can occur between members, employees, contractors and guests. Code Harassment: Means improper comment or conduct based on one or more of the prohibited grounds listed in the Ontario Human Rights Code, that a person knows or ought to know would be unwelcome, offensive, embarrassing or hurtful. Examples of Code harassment based on a prohibited ground include, but are not limited to: slurs or derogatory remarks; threats; inappropriate jokes, innuendos, name-calling, teasing; insulting gestures; practical jokes which result in embarrassment; displaying pin-ups, pornography, racist, homophobic or other offensive materials; use of electronic communications such as the internet and e-mail to harass; actions that invade privacy; spreading rumours that damage one’s reputation; refusing to work with another; condescending or patronizing behaviour; abuse of authority which undermines performance or threatens careers; unwelcome touching, physical assault or sexual assault. This policy is not intended to interfere with constructive, feedback by professional instructors regarding performance of students. Examples of personal harassment include:
Personal harassment does not include:
Racial Harassment Racial harassment is harassment on the ground of race. It may also be associated with the grounds of colour, ancestry, where a person was born, a person’s religious belief, ethnic background, citizenship or even a person’s language. Racial harassment/discrimination can include: racial slurs or jokes ridicule, insults or different treatment because of your racial identity posting/e-mailing cartoons or pictures that degrade persons of a particular racial group name-calling because of a person’s race, colour, citizenship, place of origin, ancestry, ethnic background or creed. Sexual Harassment Harassment on the ground of sex. This includes a sexual advance or solicitation from anyone if they know or ought to know the advance is unwelcome, especially if the advance is from a person in a position to give or deny a benefit or to engage in a reprisal or if a threat of reprisal is made if the advance is rejected. Other examples are sexually suggestive or obscene remarks or gestures, leering (suggestive staring) at a person’s body, unwelcome physical contact, bragging about sexual prowess, or discussions about sexual activities, circulation or posting of sexist jokes or cartoons, display of pin-up calendars or other objectifying images, negative stereotypical comments based on gender, sex or sexual orientation and gender related comments about an individual’s physical characteristics or mannerisms. This policy is not intended to interfere with normal social interaction between members. How Incidents Will Be Handled
Questions or concerns should be directed to any member of the YWTC Executive Board. |